Anatomy Trains in Motion Book

Edition Publication December 2024: The book's content is identical to the first edition from July 2023. Only the cover design and ISBN number have been updated.
Language English
Price Book

≈  USD 39 
≈  AUD 59 

Included: 5 in 1
  • Anatomy Trains in Motion Workbook (PDF)
  • Anatomy Trains in Motion Story Book (PDF)
  • Anatomy Trains in Motion Embodiment (14 videos)
  • Myofascial Meridian Anatomy Meditations (7 audios)
Author and presenter Karin Gurtner
ISBN 979-8303394827
ISBN Australia 979-8303404793

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For example: Anatomy Trains in Motion Book Anatomy Trains in Motion Book

A Movement-Minded Exploration of the Myofascial Meridian Body Map

With this simpatico anatomy book, Karin Gurtner aspires to make the journey of understanding, embodying, and retaining the twelve myofascial meridians of the Anatomy Trains body map developed by Tom Myers engaging, practically applicable, and enjoyable.

Can an Anatomy Book Change Your Anatomy?

When studied within the ‘right’ context, the amazingness of the human body is engaging and endlessly interesting, even fun. It is an exquisite brain training that gifts us with the advantages of an agile and focussed mind. Embodied learning enhances physical functionality and boosts vitality. Finally—and perhaps counter-intuitive—anatomy that is consciously experienced may foster a feeling of inner ease. The burning question now is: what is the ‘right’ context? The answer depends on what lights up your mind and fuels your intrinsic motivation. If integral anatomy explored through the lens of resource-oriented integrative movement ignites your fire, Anatomy Trains in Motion is for you.

It may sound dramatic to call an anatomy textbook life-changing. However, if you truly absorb the ideas, concepts, and activities offered in this book, they will positively change your brain and your body and, in that sense, your life. 

Book Structure

An introduction to the ‘Rules of the Road’ and other overarching concepts equips you to venture into the myofascial meridian chapters with clarity. At the beginning of the chapter, you will be acquainted with the ‘feeling attributes’ of a line. To give you the most comprehensive picture, the original Anatomy Trains illustrations are complemented by drawings and anatomy listings especially created for the purpose at hand: a movement-minded exploration of the myofascial meridian body map. With a clear sensory and structural image in mind, you will learn the postural and movement functions of a line. As we dive deeper, you will gain a detailed understanding of a myofascial meridian’s individual muscles and fascial structures, where they are, how they work, relate, and can be trained deliberately. Rounding off each chapter are holistic principles relevant for exercise and everyday life. The guided anatomy meditations and movement practices referenced in this book facilitate embodiment of the theory. 

5 in 1

With the purchase of the Anatomy Trains in Motion book, you will gain free access to:

  • the Anatomy Trains in Motion Workbook (PDF),
  • the Anatomy Trains in Motion Story Book (PDF),
  • the Anatomy Trains in Motion Embodiment videos,
  • and Myofascial Meridian Anatomy Meditations audios.

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The book is available worldwide. For example: Anatomy Trains in Motion Book Anatomy Trains in Motion Book