Sue Peyer


Educator, Assessor

Some Qualifications

  • Certified Educator Contemporary Pilates
  • Certified Pilates Teacher
  • Certified physiotherapist FH / BSc in Physiotherapy
  • Certified Mental Coach IAP
  • Certification Level I - Train the Trainer (SVEB 1)
  • Qualifications for Brain Gym I-IV and Touch for Health I-IV
  • Certified BirthCare® BGB
  • Proprietor Peyer & Zillig Physiotherapie Praxis

A glimpse into the life of...

Since Sue has discovered Pilates she’s been fascinated by the wide variety, but also the differentiation and efficacy of the method. She loves movement in all forms – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – and regularly attends courses to learn more about these subjects. As a physiotherapist with her own business, Sue uses the principles and exercises of Pilates for her everyday clientele and she also teaches different classes; one of her favourites is Pilates for mums-to-be.