Silvia Deckenhoff
Some Qualifications
- Certified Educator Contemporary Pilates
- Currently studying Slings Myofascial Training® Teacher Advanced Level
- Certified Pilates Mat Teacher
- Certified FlowTonic® Educator
- Various Certifications in Group Fitness
- International presenter for Movement Conventions
- Certified Nurse
- Specialist for Socialmanagement und Social-Welfare
- Certified Coach and Process Counsellor
- Owner "Lust auf Bewegung"
A glimpse into the life of...
Since early childhood Silvia has been passionate about movement. As a former competitive swimmer she has experienced the importance of holistic training.
The enthusiastic participant became a passionate instructor. Passionate about movement and eager to learn more, she acquired more and more skills and today still participates in continuing seminars.
Her main concern within her work is to convey a sense of body awareness and your own self according to the following motto: Inner movement follows outer movement.
Silvia lives together with her husband and their dogs in Ulm, Germany.