Monica Fischer Straub



Some Qualifications

  • Certified Educator Slings Myofascial Training®
  • Certified Educator Spiraldynamik®
  • Certified Slings Myofascial Training® Teacher Advanced Level 
  • Certified Physiotherapist FH
  • Certifed Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner
  • Certified management guide Council Guide Training
  • Proprietor Praxis Raum für Entfaltung

A glimpse into the life of...

For Monica movement quality is a matter of the heart. That’s also the reason why she chose to teach for the Spiraldynamik® Academy and art of motion®. As a manual therapist and curious person she likes to combine the knowledge of classical and complementary medicine (like a rainbow spectrum) and igniting the sparks of her own enthusiasm in her clients.