Anatomy Trains in Motion Embodiment

Sprache Englisch
Umfang 17 Videos
3 Stunden, 42 Minuten
Preis USD 18
Entwickelt und präsentiert von Karin Gurtner

Learning Anatomy Through Movement

Turn learning the Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians into a joyful fascia-focused movement practice.
In 15 target-oriented Slings in Motion sequences, Karin takes you on a journey from the Superficial Back Line to the Ipsilateral Functional Line.
Grab the opportunity to embody theory and gain precious knowledge that enables you to choose or adapt exercises for different purposes.


In this online course, you will learn the standard and functional anatomy of the myofascial meridians of the Anatomy Trains concept through embodiment. Understanding anatomy enables a movement professional to practice and teach with great specificity, adapt exercises for different purposes, or even choose completely different exercises where the benefits are not so obvious at the first glance.

The “Embody Anatomy Trains in Motion” course contains Slings Myofascial Training sequences for each Anatomy Trains’ line.

For the bodywide myofascial meridians, Karin teaches two movement sequences each. In the first one - called “Anatomy” - she talks you through the muscles and fascial structures of the Superficial Back Line, Superficial Front Line, Lateral Line, Spiral Line, and Deep Front Line in sequence from the feet up to the head. The subsequent educational practice - called “Functional Anatomy” - is more extensive and includes muscular functions and fascial movement qualities. 

For the Front and Back Arm Lines as well as the Back, Front, and Ipsilateral Functional Lines, Karin provides you with one movement sequence in which she covers both the standard and functional anatomy.

In addition to learning the anatomy and experiencing it in the body, Karin will also give you an inside into the sensory qualities of each myofascial meridian.

For Whom

This online learning course is optimal for students and teachers of Slings Myofascial Training, anatomy-minded movement professionals, and therapists who want to embody Anatomy Trains knowledge through resource-oriented integrative movement.

Materials & Tools

To support your learning, we recommend the Anatomy Trains in Motion Study Guide and the small set of Learning Cards.

The tools used in the movement sequences are the Slings massage balls, massage domes, and kneeling pad. Alternatively, you can use whatever you have handy or what works best for your body.

How to Work

The movement sequences aim to teach you anatomy and give you a felt sense of what you cognitively learn. They are not designed to teach you Slings exercises (that is covered in different courses).

At art of motion, we encourage people to own their practice. Feel free to adapt the movements or use additional props to make the exercises work for your body. Besides embraining anatomy, we want you to feel physically fantastic and uplifted in your spirit.

To make following the movement easy, Karin and Muriel will mirror you during the practices.

Enjoy this anatomy in motion experience!

Vimeo: Anatomy Trains in Motion Embodiment