How Does Slings Myofascial Training Work?

The resource-oriented approach utilises and improves existing physical abilities and potential.

As a body-minded practice, it positively influences movement and feeling.

Targeting Fascial Movement Qualities

  • Smooth movement coordination and health-oriented behaviour adaptations due to fascial kinaesthesia
  • Movement ease, even during intense activities due to fascial adaptability and glide
  • Buoyancy, spring, and efficiency due to fascial elasticity
  • Unloading of individual joints und uplifting of the body, due to fascial tensile strength and force transmission
  • Speedy regeneration and self-healing due to fascial hydration
  • Wakeful and relaxed mental state due to fascial tone regulation

In Everyday Life & Sports

  • Preparing the myofascial conditions for certain sports, thus creating an athletic advantage, and preventing injuries
  • Complementing athletic activities, preventing overload injuries, and speeding up recovery
  • Increasing physical agility and responsiveness to prevent movement limitations and pain
  • Greater energy efficiency in movement, therefore, enhanced performance
  • More defined body contours through fascially well-shaped muscles
  • Clear internal body image and self-perception
  • Sharpened attention through mindfully executed movement
  • Relishing times of reverie
  • Enhancing the quality of interpersonal relationships through training emotional awareness

During Practice

  • Safe, health-oriented, and enjoyable practice under the guidance of a qualified Slings Myofascial Training teacher
  • Purposeful switching between the comfort, play, and challenge zone for an engaging and holistic movement practice that keeps body and mind in the flow
  • Fun with well-thought-out movement sequences and an upbeat mood after the practice