FAMO Practice 2

This second FAMO Practice module takes multidimensionality to another level! The focus on spiralling movements—especially the ribcage and spine—naturally changes how the 12 fascial movement qualities (FAMO Focus) are used and benefitted. 

About the Course

The FAMO Practice 2 repertoire builds on and complements the exercises in FAMO Practice 1. It brings the Lateral Line and Spiral Line (Anatomy Trains in Motion) more into the spotlight.

By the end of the course, you will have a nuanced understanding and a felt sense of a multidimensional set of unique FAMO exercises, ready to use in your personal practice and with clients. Experience has shown that the movements and techniques are well-suited for group classes, personalised training, and therapeutic settings, using body-minded movement to enhance physical functionality and psycho-emotional wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes

By participating in this course, you will:

  • Learn and experience multidimensional exercises anchored in sound principles of integral fascia-focused anatomy and body-mind holism
  • Deepen your knowledge and appreciation of spiralling movements and their benefits for structural health, physical functionality, and energetic wellbeing
  • Understand the 'why' behind exercise execution, including applied training techniques, breathing patterns, variations, adaptations, and the use of massage tools and supportive props
  • Grasp and embody the 'how' of exercise execution and teaching
  • Discover the diverse, nuanced use of massage tools that goes beyond the obvious and generic
  • Comprehend how fascial movement qualities are deliberately utilised, trained, and enhanced with specific exercises and sequences
  • Understand how focusing on specific myofascial meridians influences and enriches movement aims and positive outcomes
  • Explore all myofascial meridians in practice, with a special emphasis on the workings and the somatic and psycho-emotional gains of the Lateral Line and Spiral Line, as well as the Back Functional Line, Front Functional Line, and Ipsilateral Functional Line
  • Experience and observe the profound effects of fascia-focused, spiralling movement on the body-mind
  • Gain a new repertoire of exercises to add a novel dimension to your own practice, your classes, personalised training, bodywork, or therapy sessions
  • Vitalise your body-mind in the moment

Course Highlights

For a purely somatic, non-analytical immersion into FAMO Practice 2, each course day begins with a master class that seamlessly weaves in the day's repertoire.

FAMO Practice 2 comprises:

  • Differentiated and integrated exercises in all body positions
  • Slow and deep, dynamic and rhythmic, stimulating and invigorating, strengthening and melting exercises as well as contrasting movement sequences
  • Exercises variations and adaptations that alter focus, intensity, and/or body position
  • Exercise variations with and without massage tools

Each exercise is experienced and discussed in terms of:

  • Movement execution
  • Exercise aims and benefits
  • Functional myofascial anatomy
  • Utilisation of fascial movement qualities
  • Applied training techniques
  • Use and advantages of massage tools or supportive props
  • Purposeful sequencing

Self-Contained & Part of FAMO Diploma

FAMO Practice 2 is a self-contained course and also a module within the FAMO diploma program. It can be attended after completing FAMO Body Reading & Rebalancing.


*** The selection of exercises in Slings in Motion courses differs from that in FAMO Repertoire courses.

Detailed Information About the Repertoire Courses

Mandatory Literature

The accompanying book for the course will be available on various Amazon stores.

FAMO Practice 2
Multidimensional Whole-Body Movement

By Karin Gurtner

Course Information

Duration 21 hours
  • In person (at the studio)
  • Live online (via Zoom)
Certificate Certificate of Participation
Self-study 60 hours (variable)

Live Online Equipment

For live online participation, you need the following equipment:

  • Exercise mat
  • 2 soft massage balls
  • 2 soft massage domes
  • 2 squash balls
  • Kneeling pad

Training Tools

Our FAMO & Slings tool selection comprises:

  • Massage Balls (pair)
  • Massage Domes (pair)
  • Trigger Balls (pair)
  • Kneeling Pad (single)

Each item (pair) is individually available, or the complete selection can be purchased as a set.

Next Steps

After completing FAMO Practice 2, your next step in the Fascia Movement diploma journey is FAMO Practice 3.

FAMO Practice 3

FAMO Teaching & Functional Sequencing

FAMO Diploma Assessment