FAMO Focus

In FAMO Focus, our attention is on 12 fascial movement qualities. You will explore what they are, why they matter, and how you can utilise them to increase physical health and functionality, along with psycho-emotional wellbeing, and even interpersonal bonds, elevating the quality of life in a sustainable way.

About the Course

Throughout the course, you will learn and experience 12 training techniques designed to embody the 12 practice aims. Overall, FAMO Focus will give you the skills and knowledge to work with fascia in motion in a holistic, nuanced, and highly effective manner suitable for every body.

As the cornerstone of the FAMO Fascia Movement education, this course enables you grasp the ‘why’ behind the FAMO Practice exercises, including their specific execution, variations, breathing patterns, the use of massage tools, and cueing focus.

If you are interested in understanding and working with 12 distinct fascial movement qualities to attain greater postural ease, movement freedom, self-awareness, and feeling of inner and outer togetherness, FAMO Focus is for you.

Learning Outcomes

By participating in this course, you will:

  • Acquire knowledge and skills about fascia in motion to add a new dimension to your movement classes, bodywork, or therapy sessions
  • Explore Resource-Oriented Integrative Movement as the framework for health-focused, holistic, and inclusive movement practices
  • Understand the 6 guiding principles of FAMO and their practical value
  • View the "body-mind" with fresh eyes and become acquainted with the Essential Self
  • Identify the architectural, anatomical, and functional features of the fascial system
  • Comprehend the meaning and functional value of the 12 fascial movement qualities from an experience-based and science-informed perspective
  • Understand how the 12 fascial movement qualities are translated into practical guidelines and applications
  • Experience each of the 12 fascial movement qualities in a distinct way
  • Learn 12 training techniques
  • Get to know 12 practice aims
  • Participate in master classes and short practices that integrate all course components
  • Gain fascia-focused skills and knowledge to bring a new dimension to your movement classes, bodywork, or therapy sessions
  • Enhance your body-mind vitality on the go

Course Highlights

We aim to make the journey of understanding, embodying, and retaining functional anatomy engaging, practical, and enjoyable. A dynamic blend of master classes, interactive lectures, demonstrations, and short practices facilitates intellectual comprehension, experiencing, and embodiment alike.  

Self-Contained & Part of FAMO Certification

FAMO Focus is a self-contained course and also a module within the FAMO certification program. It can be attended either before or after Anatomy Trains in Motion as part of the program.


Certification in a movement, health, bodywork, or therapy field.

Mandatory Literature

The accompanying book for the course is available from various Amazon stores.

Fascia in Focus
Web of Connection for Body-Mind Integrity

By Karin Gurtner

The Fascia in Focus Book on Amazon.com

Course Information

Duration 21 hours
  • In person (at the studio)
  • Live online (via Zoom)
Certificate Certificate of Participation
Self-study 60 hours (variable)

Live Online Equipment

For live online participation, you need the following equipment:

  • Exercise mat
  • 2 soft massage balls

Optional materials include:

  • 2 soft massage domes
  • Kneeling pad

Training Tools

Our FAMO & Slings tool selection comprises:

  • Massage Balls (pair)
  • Massage Domes (pair)
  • Trigger Balls (pair)
  • Kneeling Pad (single)

Each item (pair) is individually available, or the complete selection can be purchased as a set.

Next Steps

After completing FAMO Focus, your next step in the Fascia Movement certification journey is Anatomy Trains in Motion. If you have already completed this module, you may continue with FAMO Practice 1.

Anatomy Trains in Motion

FAMO Practice 1

FAMO Body Reading & Rebalancing