Raffaela Husner


Educator, Assessor

Some Qualifications

  • Certified Educator Contemporary Pilates
  • Certified Educator Slings Myofascial Training®
  • Certified Pilates Teacher
  • Certified Slings Myofascial Training® Teacher Advanced Level 
  • Master of Science Training and Sports ETH Universities for Technology and Natural Science
  • Sports Teacher ETH Universities for Technology and Natural Science Certifed
  • Lecturer Swimming for children & adults
  • AquaFit Instructor
  • Certifed Nordic Walking Instructor
  • Proprietor Husner-Personal-Training

A glimpse into the life of...

Discovering, trying out different sports, and teaching have always been the ultimate experiences for Raffaela. As a PE Teacher with a Master degree in movement science she not only developed learning techniques for swimming but also built up her own movement studio where she teaches Contemporary Pilates amongst other Fitness Lessons. Pilates for Raffaela is applied kinesiology, and every day is full of new discoveries.