LP3: Slings Essentials - Fascial Qualities in Motion

Slings Essentials is a rich course for movement and bodywork professionals who want to understand fascia in motion comprehensively. This education chapter revolves all around fascia, its properties, its role in movement and how to train fascia consciously with a diverse and body-minded strategy. Slings Essentials is key to shaping your training as a truly fascia-focussed movement experience.

Learning Objectives and Goals

  1. Know the functional definition of fascia and understand the reasons for it.
  2. Know 4 main specializations within the fascial system and understand their practical relevance.
  3. Understand the 6 guiding principles of the Slings Myofascial Training education and their relevance for a fascia-focussed training.
  4. Know the defined 12 fascial qualities, their relevance for movement in general and Slings Myofascial Training specifically.
  5. Understand that the fascial qualities are interconnected like all systems in the body.
  6. Understand how the 12 myofascial training techniques and 12 training aims relate to the 12 fascial qualities.
  7. Experience the fascial qualities and training techniques with Slings in Motion exercises, movement sequences and master classes.
  8. Experience the effects of Slings Myofascial Training.
  9. Understand the value of training fascia consciously in a diverse and body-minded manner.
Course content:
  • Lectures.
  • Interactive lectures.
  • Quizzes.
Course structure:
  • 50%: Lectures.
  • 50%: Interactive lectures.
Course duration: 16 hours.
Self-study: 40 hours.
Access time: 1 year starting from the date of purchase.
Language: English without subtitles.
Costs: $ 185
Additional material: Digital course book

Online courses:
LP1: Anatomy Trains in Motion (ATiM).

Face-to-Face course:
Anatomy Trains in Motion.

Certification: Certificate of completion „Slings Essentials - Fascial Qualities in Motion“.
Teacher: Karin Gurtner. Karin is the founder and principal educator of art of motion training in movement®.
More about Karin.